Monday, January 28, 2013

The Bachelor: Episode #4

I'm excited for Bachelorette Roller Derby tonight.  There's nothing quite like taking a bunch of women who have been locked together in the same house for over a week and putting them into a competition that involves physical contact.  I'm setting the official "Sean is going over to make sure that bachelorette is OK after that fall" over/under at 2.5 (for the record, I'll take the over).

7:32: And it's official - the Chris Harrison Collection is happening!

7:59: How long will it take for Sean to be shirtless this episode?

8:02: Well, that didn't take long - 2 minutes.

8:03: Lesley!

8:03: Simmer down, Leslie.  You are among 12 women who didn't get the date.  How come nobody else is crying except you?

8:04: Selma says people are quick to judge her and that she's more than just a pretty face.  Duh.  She's also got nice boobs.  As I said in my season preview, there's no way those are real.

8:07: They are mesmerizing.  I am mesmerized.  Mesmerization is occurring.

8:11: I am completely under Selma's spell right now.

8:14: Don't worry, Selma.  If you fall during the climb, just try to land boobs first so you'll bounce right back up.

8:18: The Team Selma Bandwagon is officially full.

8:20: Update - they've just upgraded the Team Selma Bandwagon to the Team Selma Tour Bus.

8:25: I have never seen the girl reading the group date card before.  Did she just join the show?

8:28: Whoa whoa whoa.  Did Selma just say that they'll have to wait until she's "his only lady"?  There's NO way she'll last until the end without even kissing him.  This is the same dude who just set a Guiness Book of World Records for longest kiss, right?

8:31: Is Roller Derby a two-armed sport?  It's a legitimate question.

8:35: Whoa, this is quite a different version of Amanda than the Mopey Amanda we saw from the first couple of nights.

8:37: Robyn with the splits.  That looked painful.  Except she's not a dude.

8:38: Amanda is showing crazy good form on her crossovers.

8:40: AshLee isn't just a Personal Organizer who organizes things.  She's organizing OAS's life.

8:42: First "Sean checks on a girl who fell down" tonight.  Two more to go!

8:49: Very disappointed in the lack of roller derby.

8:53: Quite the death stare from Tierra when Sean asked to spend some time with OAS.

8:56: Ah!  Daniella is the mystery girl.

9:00: Forget about this stupid Tierra drama.  Two words: HOT TUB!

9:01: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Tierra didn't have many friends in high school.

9:04: Oh no, Sean.  Oh noooooooooo.

9:10: Do the producers of the show rent the cars?  Does ABC have a rental car budget?  Does ABC just ow a fleet of fancy vehicles to use at their disposal?  These are the things I think about.

9:13: Leslie is way too happy to be here.  She needs to tone it down.  If it's so over-the-top obvious that you've never experienced any type of luxury in your life, it brings to light the gap between you and Sean.  It's OK to be happy, but you gotta tone it down.

9:15: Sean is looking very James Bond-y in his tux.

920: "If I'm ever going to have romantic feelings about Leslie, tonight's the night."  Not a good sign for Leslie.

9:21: Seriously, he's looking very James Bond-y right now.

9:22: Nice knowing you, Leslie...

9:24: Oh wow, he's holding the rose, even though he's going to give it to her...

9:25: Waterworks in 3...2....

9:26: I want to see a shot of a slow dramatic fall of a rose.  I can feel it coming.

9:28: As if Leslie only packed that one tiny bag for the show.  C'mon.

9:29: There it is - the shot of the rose falling!  Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I can predict exactly what's going to happen on this show?

9:34: Am I the only person to notice that Sean got a haircut between the Leslie date and the rose ceremony?

9:35: When Robyn gets sent home, it's going to be horrific.

9:37: Yes Tierra, they've judged you from day 1.  Because you've been a total bizatch to everyone.

9:38: This is the most amazing non-apology apology ever.

9:43: It's so hard to believe that Tierra can't get along with other girls.  Why would that be?

9:47: Daniella is going home tonight.

9:48: You know what smart people don't need to do, Tierra?  Smart people don't feel the need to tell other people that they're smart because they know they're smart.  Only insecure dumb people feel the need to tell other people that they're smart.

9:52: Dez!

9:53: Not nearly enough screen time for FMC Lesley or Dez tonight.  That better change next week, Sean.

9:55: Swerve!  Didn't see that coming.  Why does Amanda have this weird smile on her face?

9:56: Chris Harrison with a bit of a screw-up at the end.  He is only supposed to say "If you didn't receive a rose, please take a moment to say your goodbyes" if multiple women are leaving the rose ceremony.  If it's only one person going home, he's supposed to address that person specifically.  Why wasn't there an "Amanda, please take a moment to say your goodbyes?"

9:57: Two episodes next week!  But I have ball hockey Tuesday nights.  What am I going to do next week?!

10:00: Sean Lowe, Stalling King.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Bachelor: Episode #3

Forget about The Bachelor for a second.  We have much more important things to discuss: a Chris Harrison clothing line!  I would absolutely spend money on this.  Is the line going to be all suits, dress shirts, and fancy watches?  Or do we get a Casual Chris on Bachelor Pad line with fancy watches as well?  How about an Awards Show Chris line with fancy watches?  Or is it just a line of fancy watches?  No seriously, watches are his thing, as G-Unit and I have discussed extensively over our years of watching the show.  Are there also roses prominently involved with the design of the clothing?  Like ties with little roses on them?  I think I would easily spend hundreds of dollars on the Chris Harrison clothing line.

7:48: Any time that Chris Harrison is on the show tonight, I bet you'll be looking for a shot of his watch.  Some of you might even rewind and slo-mo your PVR to catch a glimpse of it.  I will not judge you if you do so.

7:50: I was so obsessed preoccupied with the Chris Harrison clothing line that I forgot tonight is the night where someone (Tierra I assume) is carried out on a stretcher, followed by the infamous "They got what they want.  I hope they're happy!" quote.  This should be interesting.

7:55: ABC's website that tonight, FMC Lesley and Sean will attempt to break the world record for longest kiss.  Which means Lesley will be getting a lot of screen time since she's getting a 1-on-1 date. Which makes me happy.

8:01: It looks like the group date is going to be beach volleyball.  A bunch of women in bikinis.  FYI - I might be blogging less during that time.

8:02: Obligatory shot of Sean shirtless.  That remains the drinking game.

8:03: Episode 3 is our first mention of "taking the relationship to the next level".  That's pretty early.

8:04: We were robbed of Lesley meeting Sean tonight for their date.  Which means they're just cutting time to make room for drama later on this episode.

8:06: Don't tell me that you're not distracted by Chris Harrison's watch.

8:11: Ah, no wonder they had to cut the intro out.  All the time is going to be spent on the kiss.  Are they going to show the whole thing?

8:12: Sean is not using any of the techniques that Arie taught him during the premiere.

8:14: Meanwhile, Lesley is all about the hands.  She is all about the hand stroking the head.

8:15: Oh yeah, they're showing the whole thing.

8:16: I really hope that Lesley doesn't insist on putting that plaque on a wall in our house after we get married.

8:22: There were no nerds like Lesley in my high school.  I was robbed!

8:23: Lesley's nervousness can be seen by how she can't even look him in the eye.

8:24: Sean can't use any of Arie's techniques if his hand is holding a champagne glass...

8:25: Lindsay needs to work on her raising the roof technique.

8:28: I want to reiterate that there is going to be a very high ogling to typing ratio during the beach volleyball game.

8:33: This outfit better be part of the Chris Harrison collection.

8:34: Look at that watch!

8:39: Really, Kristy?  Tears over losing the second half of the date?

8:40: I cannot fathom how two girls are crying because they didn't get to share a group date with Sean with 5 other women.

8:44: Dez is back!

8:46: Sean is saying he's surprised by this other side of Lindsay.  The other side, of course, is the non-drunk side.

8:49: Faking the date card.  Wow, Tierra.  If I was Selma, I would not be impressed right now.  One second, you think you have a date.  Oh no.  It's just Tierra playing with your emotions.

8:51: I love how Needy Kacie (NK) thinks she some kind of strategic genius by doing this.

8:53: Oh, this is not going well for NK.

8:58: NK, you are not some kind of reality show tactical genius.  You are not Richard Hatch.  You are not Boston Rob.  You are not not a member of Chilltown.  So stop thinking you are.

9:04: It's interesting that Tierra fell down right before Sean got there, eh?

9:14: Random tangent - when I heard "mitochondrial disease", my first thought was Rocco Baldelli.  I just proved that one can be a baseball geek while watching The Bachelor.

9:17: I have never heard of love the Eli Young Band!

9:25: It got a little dusty in my place during AshLee's story...

9:34: "Here's your job today: fly to Colorado, pick up a dog, and fly back with it."

9:40: Locks tonight for getting a rose - OAS, Dez, Tierra, Kristy, and Robyn.

9:46: Once you are in the FriendZone, you cannot get out of the FriendZone.

9:49: For the record, my prediction of Kristy is based solely on the fact that she's a model.

9:50: Sean's sending the model home?  I can't believe it.

9:53: Rankings at this point for most likely to win:

1) Dez
2) Lesley
3) AshLee
4) Lindsay
5) Selma

Agree or disagree?

9:56: Next week looks really good.  This season has been decent so far, but we need more scandal.  Perhaps I was just spoiled by the ending of Bachelor Pad last year...

10:00: I was not very impressed by these closing credits...until Sean's words to end the episode.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Bachelor: Episode #2

We're back for more drama in Episode 2.  I'm so happy The Bachelor has returned to my Monday nights.

After last week's running blog of the premiere, Mysteries left a long note of solid observations, as well as some comments on the blog.  Since some of you might have had similar thoughts, let's address these points together:

1) Why did I not comment on the "rape whistle" joke?  Because I could not top the rape whistle joke.  That is untoppable.
2) Some people are excited that Needy Kacie (NK) is back.  I am not one of those people.  We will just need to agree to disagree and move on.
3) "I'm pretty sure One-Armed Sarah is offensive".  OK, let's discuss.  I had a similar thought running through my head before I started referring to her as "One-Armed Sarah".  But here's the dilemma - how do you refer to Sarah while ignoring her most observable attribute on the very first night?  There are 25 26 different women.  Here was my first reference to One-Armed Sarah, 29 minutes into the show:

8:29: If you're not rooting for One-Armed Sarah, you don't have a heart.

In that statement, it is very clear who and what that statement is referring to.  But let's say I went all PC and decided that I couldn't refer to her as One-Armed Sarah.  

8:29: If you're not rooting for Sarah, you don't have a heart.

If you were watching as the bachelorette vignettes rolled one after another, this is what you would think: "Who's Sarah again?  Is she blonde?  Which one is she?  WHY DIDN'T CHAN GIVE US SOME INDICATION OF WHICH CHICK THIS WAS?!?!"  Keep in mind, we were half an hour into a new season, where there are literally 26 bachelorettes being paraded in front of us, one quick segment after another.  How are you going to keep track of each one?  By naming their most recognizable feature.  Can you even name another feature of Sarah besides her one-armedness?  That's why there was Fifty Shades of Grey psycho Ashley.  That's why there's Kristy The Model.  That's why there's One-Armed Sarah.  And that's why there's FMC Lesley.  But now that we all have an understanding of who One-Armed Sarah is, obviously I do not need to continue referring her as One-Armed Sarah.  I will refer to her as OAS instead.

7:30: Slowest 30 minutes ever...

8:02: Tornado of negativity!  I'm totally in on that.

8:03: Drinking game from now until the end of the season: drink every time there is a gratuitous shot of Sean's body.

8:04: Things I wish I could have bet on: "Sean will choose OAS for the very first one-on-one date."

8:05: Helicopter arrival!  Is Kalon making a random entrance?  Oh, it's just Sean.

8:06: Much better drinking game - drinking game every time OAS mentions her one-armedness.

8:07: I love how all the girls are about to jump Sean's bones because he arrived in a helicopter like he was flying it or it was his idea to arrive via chopper.  No ladies, I'm pretty sure that he had nothing to do with that.

8:13: Pretty sure that the guy giving OAS and Sean instructions is wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt with the logo blurred out.

8:21: What would you put the odds for OAS getting the final rose at the end of the season?  I'd say 0.01%.

8:24: The group reactions to the individual names being announced for the group date were interesting to say the least.

8:31: What is going on with the yoga instructor's hair?

8:32: The sound department really kicked it up with the music as they showed the palace.

8:33: The person most excited about the photo shoot is Kristy the Model.  It's like it's her job or something.  For the record, I would not have the same reaction if you told me my first date with a girl was to work on spreadsheets and PowerPoint.

8:34: Gratuitous shot of Sean - drink!

8:36: Daniella says she's most excited about her photoshoot.  I wasn't aware that there were girls who were excited about other people's photoshoot...

8:37: I'm all in on FMC Lesley.  Wow.

8:40: I can't believe that the model was the best at taking pictures.  What a shocker.

8:41: Ah yes, nothing like the pool party on the first group date.  A Bachelor staple to get the drama started.  No doubt that drinks will be heavily involved.

8:49: The only way that Lesley could be more of an FMC is if she had an in-depth conversation about baseball with Sean.

8:51: "When do they give out the rose?"  I enjoy how the girls are consulting NK about how things work on the show.

8:55: I have no idea what race Catherine is.

8:58: Tierra: "If I get a rose, I'll feel like he wants to keep me around for a while."  This happens literally right after Sean says, "I'll be keeping you around for a while."

9:00: Love how Katie consults NK as the veteran, just like the rest of the girls.

9:01: Whoa whoa whoa, Sean.  Don't fight too hard for her to stay there.

9:03: Now NK's giving the toast instead of Sean?  What's next?  Taking Chris Harrison's job?  Wait, we shouldn't even joke about that.  We should never joke about someone taking Chris Harrison's job.

9:08: I actually think that Sean set this prank date up - recall the prank that he had bringing Emily home to his hometown.

9:09: Wow, Sean just said that ten seconds later.

9:11: Someone is phoning me right now.  Needless to say, it went unanswered.

9:12: I like how Sean calls her "Dez".

9:13: Love Chris Harrison's "You might be a really bad person" comment.

9:16: It's really hard not to be a fan of Dez.  Yes, I'm going to call her that now too.

9:22: Dez takes the lead around the first clubhouse turn...

9:23: Whoa, Dez rockin' a bikini strong.

9:24: DRINK!

9:25: OK, seriously, how loud was the friggin' pool while they were talking?

9:26: I'm on Team Dez, but Lesley is still the lead FMC.  If that makes any sense.

9:29: Wait, this is my blog.  It doesn't have to make sense.

9:31: There is definitely more fawning over Sean as a piece of meat by the women than in previous seasons of The Bachelor.  Just listen to their reaction when he entered the room for the rose ceremony.

9:33: Wedding Dress Lindsay is much more coherent tonight.

9:35: The key to making an impression with Sean is to drop "marrying my best friend" into the conversation.

9:36: Amanda, Death Stare Queen.

9:37: If you can guarantee me that a tornado of negativity is going to occur during a TV show, there's a 99% chance that I would be interested in watching this TV show.

9:38: Just checked my e-mail.  Apparently it was my parents calling.  They can wait until 10 PM.  I'm also going to remind them of the "Don't phone me on Monday nights" rule...

9:41: Whoa, Robyn just dropped "racially diverse", "race", and "black females" into the conversation.  Interesting.

9:46: Oh yes.  It's not officially Bachelor season until someone mentions "the right reasons".  Thank you Dez.

9:50: Robyn, Lesley, Tierra, Selma, Catherine, Lindsay are locks.  Not sure how many total are getting a rose, but those are the ones I'm calling.

9:52: Oh yeah, Kristy for sure too.

9:53: FMC!  FMC!

9:54: By the way, what the hell is Amanda wearing?  That thought has gone through my head every time they've shown her.

9:56: Dez is not impressed by that last rose.

9:57: Sean's comments about Diana's kids as she left were nice.  What a guy.  He was formerly known as "Sean The Cyborg Specially Designed For The Bachelorette".  It turns out he's also "Sean The Cyborg Specially Designed For The Bachelor".

10:05: I found Lesley geeking out on Greek mythology during the closing credits kinda hot.  Then again, FMC status means I find just about everything a girl does kinda hot.  Even correcting people on the enunciation of Hades.

Monday, January 07, 2013

The Bachelor: Season Premiere

Finally, the premiere is upon us.  And after you watch this one minute clip of Sean, you'll be as fired up as I am.  Just tremendous emotional manipulation in that package, especially the piano solo at the end of the clip.

If you're looking for a primer on the bachelorettes, look no further than my Bachelor preview of the bachelorette bios that sums up the important facts about each woman.  The quick summary for me is that Lauren, Lesley, and Lindsay are all fighting for top FMC status.

7:56: I'm calling 8:05 for the "When will Chris Harrison say 'Hi, I'm Chris Harrison' followed by me immediately typing 'You don't need to introduce yourself, Chris.  We know who you are.'" pool.

8:00:  Yes!  It's here!

8:03: I see that this is going to be the season of gratuitous shots of Sean's body.

8:04: I suppose that's fair given that I get 25 women to ogle at.

8:05: For the record, I was not aware that "ogle" was spelled with only 1 G.

8:06: Wow, I was way off with my guess of an 8:05 Chris Harrison intro.

8:07: Someone needs to explain to me how Sean is single.  After watching this vignette, I think I'm falling for Sean.

8:11: My extensive research of the bachelorette bios tells me that the troublemaker from the preview of this season is either Selma or Tierra.

8:14: I like that Arie and Sean are boyz.

8:15: This Arie/Sean segment is tremendous.

8:18: Arie and Sean need to have their own reality show.

8:21: OK, that was all fun and good, but I think we've earned ourselves some sitdown Chris Harrison interview time.

8:23: Why is being The Bachelor humbling?  Isn't it the opposite of humbling?  You're put in a place where 25 women worship you.

8:24: Chris Harrison just introduced himself, so please indulge me.  You don't need to introduce yourself, Chris.  We know who you are.

8:25: Tierra: "I've been in love twice, and I've had my heart broken...twice." Tierra is quite the math genius.

8:27: Look at Diana's house.  No normal single mom lives in that big of a house without being loaded.

8:29: If you're not rooting for One-Armed Sarah, you don't have a heart.

8:30: Lesley is currently the lead FMC, but I feel like she could be overtaken.

8:32: Forget about AshLee's sob story.  AshLee needs to work on her running technique.  That's terrible.

8:36: Is anybody else excited about the upcoming botched backflip/cartwheel limo entrance?  Or is that just me?

8:37: Oh, it's just me.  OK.  Just checking.

8:38: I'm demanding a sitdown interview, Chris Harrison.  DEMANDING.

8:39: No sitdown interview.  Unbelievable.

8:40: Sean was kinda standing awkwardly while waiting for the first girl.

8:40: I'm a fan of AshLee.  As long as her date with Sean isn't a jogging date, she'll be fine.

8:41: Love that they went all Latino music for Selma's entrance.

8:42: Where was the backhand slap part of the handshake?

8:44: Fifty Shades of Grey psycho Ashley scares me.

8:45: Who just screamed "OMG" in the car?  Do they actually say the letters now, and not the actual phrase?  Do they realize that it's the same number of syllables?

8:47: Holy crap!  Is he going to do what I think he's going to do?!?!?!

8:48: SPOILER ALERT: Tierra's getting a rose after the commercial break.

8:50: I like how they went to commercial like Tierra's fate is up in the air.  C'mon.  It's so obvious she's getting a rose.

8:53: The reaction from the other girls to her rose should be interesting...

8:55: Nice move by Amanda.  I'm going to steal it.

8:56: Keriann should just pack her bags home now.  On the other hand, I'm in on Desiree.

8:57: Props to ABC for not milking the reaction from the other girls to One-Armed Sarah's one-armedness..

8:58: Lesley is the lead FMC.

8:59: Is Kristy The Model going to follow in the steps of Courtney The Model?

9:00: Yeah, emerging in a wedding dress is kind of a step too far...

9:02: Is an ex emerging from the car?  What's going on right now?  I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE COMMERCIAL.

9:06: Oh nooo...

9:07: Can't wait to see the reactions of the other girls to Needy Kacie's triumphant (?) return.  Can't believe NK is back.

9:08: Yeah, who is thinking that NK is here to "give advice"?  Because, I mean, that's an "advice-giving" dress.

9:11: Love that it doesn't say Kacie's job under her name on her caption.  It just says "Ben's Season".  Awesome.

9:12: Desiree is setting a world record for most times a person can lick her lips in a minute.

9:14: This show is the best.

9:20: Rulebreaker Sean!  Love has no rules!

9:21: I wish I could bet on things like "Sean will give a rose to one and exactly one of the African-American bachelorettes".

9:21: "I wish I was more sober right now."  This show is the best.

9:24: Fifty Shades of Grey Ashley is...something.  Wow.

9:25: Fifty Shades of Drunk.  Well done, Sean, well done.

9:35: I also wish I could have bet on things like "Sean will give a rose to the one-armed bachelorette".

9:36: I'm OK if NK isn't part of this season.

9:42: I love how they've split up the rose and non-rose bachelorettes for the rose ceremony.

9:43 FMC lives to fight another day!

9:44: Oh dear God no.  Not more NK.

9:46: Love the reaction shots of the girls after the final rose is handed out.  Does that make me a bad person?

9:47: So way it's real, right?  I'm talking about the tan.  Get your head out of the gutter.

9:56: I'm shocked, shocked, that the girl whose name sounds like a crown for nobility might be a source of drama.

10:00: Bumsky!

10:01: There seems to be a lot of potential.  The next couple of months should be fun!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

2013 Bachelor Preview

The Bachelor is back and so is the running blog!  I'll be here live blogging away every Monday until I run out of sarcasm.  But before that happens, we should take a look at the bachelorette bios that ABC has posted.  I must say, I'm a bit disappointed in ABC.  First of all, there is no tattoo locator on the bio page this year, so there won't be any "I'm too ashamed to say where my tattoos are, so I'm just going to say that my tattoos lie in 'various locations'" answers like last year.  Second, ABC has put up both individual bio pages, and a "bachelorette cheat sheet".  Now, you would think that the cheat sheet would just summarize the information from the individual bio pages, and that they would not contain any new information.  You, of course, would be wrong.  The cheat sheet tells us yay/nay on tattoos, engaged/married/kids, college graduate, and pet ownership, as well as a scale for neat/tidy, longest relationship, and "time needed for a date".  Meanwhile, the individual bio page follows the typical three question format.  Needless to say, it'd be a pain in the ass to toggle back and forth to get all the information.  Fortunately for you, I'm here to tell you what's important about each bachelorette.  Now let's go pass judgement on 25 women!

Amanda: Amanda works as a "fit model".  I assumed this was slang for a fitness model, but Wikipedia explained to me what a fit model really does, which is "effectively acting as a live mannequin".  No doubt that her college degree is in the fine art of live-mannequining, working under the tutelage of Jeff Hyslop.

Ashlee: On one part of the ABC bio page, the "L" is capitalized.  On another, it is not.  I need to know if she has a ridiculous name.

If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why?
Adele, I want to hear her story behind her music. Then I'd have her sing to me the rest of lunch.

I'm pretty sure if you wanted to hear the story behind Adele's music, a Google search would solve your problems.  And it's not like "Someone Like You" is a song full of metaphors.  Spoiler alert, but here is the "story" that AshLee wants Adele to tell her: She had a boyfriend.  They broke up.  He moved on.  Now she must move on.  The end.

Ashley H:
What are your favorite foods?
Anything prepared with organic products; but I love everything!

So to summarize, her favorite food is anything organic.  But she loves everything.  (But preferably organic.)

In other news, the "Someone Like You" just stopped playing in the background on my computer.

Ashley P:
What is a typical Saturday night like for you?
Going out with my best friends and their fiances/husbands. Whoever/whatever. My 2 closest GF's all do dinner and get ready together.

Nothing more fun than being the fifth wheel on a double date!

Do you condier yourself a romantic and why?
Yes! extremely I wear my <3 on my sleeve and tend to let my emotions rule over my head and romantic attention (I am a Leo).

First of all, someone at ABC needs to be fired for that attempt at spelling "consider".  That's a disgrace to the high standards of The Bachelor franchise.  Second, you really couldn't spell out the word "heart", Ashley?  Really?  Those extra three characters too much for you to punch into a keyboard?

Brooke: I can't remember the last time they had an African-American bachelorette on the show.  In the likely event that I'll say something very inappropriate, it's best just to leave this one alone and move on.

Catherine: Below is Catherine's entire Q&A.

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
Anyone who can look beyond themselves and unselfishly help others. Giving more than they may have. They are an example for us all.
Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Absolutely. Love is the best and expressing it to someone is so special.
What are the top 3 things on your bucket list, and why?
To eat traditional pasta in Italy, to go skiing in the Alps, and to ride an elephant in Thailand. 

I would like to visit Catherine someday because she lives in a world full of rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns.

Daniella: She lists her height as 5'7.5".  Not 5'7".  She insists on making sure you know about that extra half-inch.

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
"Eat, Pray, Love" because it's a personal journey of overcoming and finding love and happiness along the way.

Please refer to my thoughts on Amber B last year regarding EPL.

Diana: She is 31, has a college degree, has been married before, and her longest relationship was 8 years.  If you do the math, she probably married her college and/or high school sweetheart.  I'll take "Emotional Baggage With Some Vulnerability" for $1000, Alex.

Jackie: Actual Q&A from her bio page, presented without comment below:

What is your most embarrassing moment?
I'm pretty clumsy so I fall a lot. I had my blood taken once and was blacking out while my mom was taking me back to the car. Apparently I started screaming and sat down on what I thought was a chair in the waiting room, no chair just an old lady!!!

Do you like being the center of attention, or do you prefer being more mysterious and why?
I don't mind attention being on me but I maintain an air of mystery, I think. I don't share everything with everyone.

In other words, Katie is going to be the girl that nobody in the house likes because she doesn't talk to anyone.

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
Anyone who can live their lives without caring what anyone else thinks. That's a huge thing I'm working through right now.
What is your favorite all-time book and why? 
"Sassy, Single, and Satisfied" - it's a book about loving who you are first and foremost so you can cultivate the best in all your relationships.

Translation: Kelly has insecurity issues.  Also, there's no way those are real.

Keriann: In the interests of full disclosure, the Grantland Reality TV podcast has already gone through the bachelorette bios, and I have listened to it (it's well worth your 15 minutes to listen to the Bachelor portion at the beginning).  I've tried my best to not duplicate any of their thoughts on here, but sometimes, you can't outdo the great Dave Jacoby in summarizing a bachelorette's bio.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
Going back to college...I moved to a new state, made new friends, had multiple jobs and had a blast while keeping an honors scholarship, high GPA and finishing with a degree in 4 years!

Jacoby's take: "Going back (to college) at all is her greatest achievement to date.  I think that screams 'waitress' more than her appearance."

Kristy: To piggyback on the Grantland Reality TV podcast, Kristy is definitely a favorite to win.  However, I feel like if you stare at her picture long enough, lasers will come shooting out of her eyeballs.

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Recently yes! I would choose to stay in & cook and be romantic with a boy then go out and socialize with others. i would love to take a romantic trip with someone.

Lacey is 24, her longest relationship was one year max if I'm eyeballing the scale on the cheat sheet correctly, she uses the phrase "be romantic with a boy", and it sounds like she's never been on a romantic trip in her life.  So basically, Lacey is like a teenage girl.

Lauren: Finally, someone who might qualify for FMC status!

Lesley: Watch this clip.  I am all in on Lesley.  FMC for sure.

Leslie: Is this another African-American on the show?  It's almost like the producers of the show were sued for being too white...

Lindsay: Definitely a fan of her.  We are on an FMC run!

What is the most romantic present you have given? Why?
I made my ex-boyfriend a drawing book when he studied abroad becauese he loves to draw. He loved it!

I want to know everything about this drawing book.  Isn't a drawing book just a book of blank pages?  Or is it an empty notebook with instructions?  Page 1 - draw a horse.  Page 2 - draw what you see outside.  Maybe it's just me, but this doesn't sound like a very good present.  Or is she saying she made a book of her own drawings and gave it to him?  Because that's not a very good present either - note that her ex loved to draw, not loved to look at drawings.  And how many typos can ABC have on these bios?  Someone better be fired for this.  I'm outraged.

Paige: Paige was on the greatest show on TV this summer Bachelor Pad this summer, and there's no doubt that the other women will bring this up.  I think there's going to be a lot of "What is she doing here?  She was already on Bachelor Pad!" and "She doesn't deserve to be here" even though Bachelor Pad is ostensibly a different show than The Bachelor.  Why will the bachelorettes do this?  Because they're looking for any reason to ostracize one of the girls.  This is a show born from drama and cattiness, remember?

Robyn: OK, seriously.  We get it, Bachelor producers.  You're not racist.  But throwing multiple black bachelorettes at us after not having a single one over the past few seasons is overdoing it.

Sarah: Sarah is 26 and lists her occupation as "Advertising Executive".  Let's see part of her Q&A.

What was your college experience like?
Finding the right college was tough for me. I tried fitting in several university "type" colleges - even rushed for a sorority. But it wasn't a fit for me - so I transferred to art school.

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
I have a 2-yr. old French Bulldog named Leo, after lion - not Leonardo Dicaprio - although he's incredibly handsome. Leo's not just a pet, he's my son! He even comes to work with me everyday.

Maybe it's just me, but I find it difficult to believe that a 26 year old who bounced around numerous universities before graduating from art school and brings her dog to work everyday is also an "Advertising Executive".

Selma: Yeah, there's no way those are real either.

Taryn: Taryn is 30 years old, and her longest relationship was 10 years.

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done?
Move towns with no job or place set, just left and figured it out when i got there.

What is your ideal mate's personality like?
Optimistic on life, fun and open to new things, motivated, organized in his finances but not too uptight about them, can joke around when the time is right.

This is what I'm assuming: Taryn met her ex when she was a teenager and naive, and her ex turned out to be an unmotivated bum who had no idea how to make or save money, but she was too naive to realize it, and when she did, she just bailed on him and got the hell out of town as soon as she could.

If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why?
My future soul-mate! I just want to meet him already. Someone who it is just as naturual and we are best friends!
Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
I like to be a romantic at times, I just haven't found someone who i can share that with yet.

Someone is desperate for a boyfriend...
And seriously, someone on the ABC website design team better be getting canned for all these typos.  Hell, fire that guy's boss too for hiring the person.

Interestingly, there are 25 women listed here, but the "cheat sheet" says there are 26, so someone is going to crash the party, and I bet that's not going to go over well with the bachelorettes.  Looking forward to January 7th, when we will reconvene the running blog for the entire two hours every week!